  Affiliate Marketing for Beginning Marketers Affiliate marketing is when you market a company's item or product in exchange for a percentage of the sales you earn. Commissions typically are proportional to the sales cost, but they can also be fixed.   Why do affiliate marketing? Two reasons are listed below why you should think about doing affiliate marketing: 1. Low-cost and low-risk Beginning a business requires initial costs for goods such as employees, rental, equipment and so on. This is costly and risky. Affiliate marketing is a simple process. All you require is a website. If you don't succeed the way you want, all you've wasted is time and a bit of cash. 2. Easy to increase A typical salesperson sells products from one particular company. If you are an affiliate marketing professional you are able to promote various products from different businesses as well as earn commissions from each of them.   What is affiliate marketing? The retailer provides each affiliate w


 What Is Meme Marketing?

Meme marketing is when you use memes to power your content strategy and tell a story. It’s a fun way to boost your content, costs nothing, and can greatly raise the share rates of an article.

Memes can be extremely active, due to their shareability and relaxed nature. They can become hot and viral very fast, and this is exactly the reason why marketers incline to use them to boost the concert of their marketing content.

The concept of memes is not a new thing. In 1976, ethologist Richard Dawkins described the word “meme” in his book “The Selfish Gene”. Cultural development and the scattering of ideas like fashion, music, etc., is how he put it in words.

A meme that’s only funny to a few people, or is an inside joke, is unlikely to become viral.

 What Are the Benefits of Memes in Marketing?

1.       Memes Increase Engagement

2.       People Relate with Memes

3.       Memes Are Free


How to Create a Marketing Meme

It’s fast and easy to generate a meme, it takes seconds. Before you start generating a marketing meme, ask yourself these questions:

1. Know Who You Are Targeting

Just like any other marketing strategy, the first step is to analyze and research, or, simply put, to know your audience.

2. Make Your Meme Original with a Spiral

Recycling memes that have already been overworked is not a good idea. Everyone is sharing memes, as it is, so you need to be unique to stand out. 

3. Hitch a Ride on Trending Topics

Establish what’s active around different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. Is it somewhat your customers may care about or that everyone cares about? Perhaps you can connect this to your own niche and product in an original way?



Today, the digital population thinks in memes. In fact, the format has become a combination of pop culture locations, expressions, and feelings that creates a totally new form of communication. Whole conversations can be done in memes only!

And your customers are easy in this language.

Meme marketing has the power to raise your brand to new heights, and won’t cost you a dime. All you need is imagination and to follow a few simple guidelines.





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